Thrislington shares its washroom expertise through CPD

Hygiene in washroom design is more important than ever. Thrislington’s CPD offers a range of technical and design solutions to any modern development’s hygiene and wellness issues.

At Thrislington, we've been building and designing the world's best toilet cubicles at our UK factory since the 1960s. We know washrooms.

We have long prided ourselves on designing and manufacturing the world’s best toilet cubicles,  integrated plumbing systems (IPS), vanity units and lockers. Now as part of the global Bobrick group, we are also able to offer a range of stunning washroom accessories.

Since the Covid 19 pandemic, design has had to adapt to new rules of social interaction, and this particularly applied to washrooms. Many were furnished with sanitising accessories. Often, every other cubicle was locked and every other urinal sealed to maintain social distancing.

Thrislington is now offering a CPD course that will cover how, in the future, washroom design will have to adapt even further.

As experts in the washroom industry, we are passionate about how design can influence post-pandemic architecture. In the past two years, hygiene in building design has become more of a concern than ever before. The question is: what future changes might we see in buildings to address such concerns?

Our CPD examines several different architectural problems that are created in the post-pandemic world. And it offers a range of technical and design solutions to tackle any modern development’s hygiene and wellness issues.

Our CPD material can be delivered in a variety of different ways: we can deliver it as an online seminar; we can come to you to present in person; or it can now be viewed digitally.

RIBA-approved CPD material from members of the RIBA CPD Providers Network has been rigorously assessed by the RIBA and the seminar is worth double CPD points to RIBA Chartered Architects.

All of our CPD material is reviewed annually, and we endeavour to create new courses periodically. This ensures the information you are receiving is as up-to-date as possible.


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