Coach: How do I make the switch to a different sector?

Matthew Turner offers advice to an architect looking to switch to a different sector of practice

I have been applying for roles in an area of architecture I want to get into, and have been approaching leaders in this field, so far without success. On the few occasions I get feedback, they say I lack sector experience. What can I do? It feels like the chicken and the egg.

I am surprised that sector experience would be the stumbling block. Many in architecture pride themselves on their adaptability and transferability and therefore tend to recognise that in others. While the jobs you might be responding to might be for the kind of practice that is seeking really technical experience, the issue may also be the way you are presenting yourself.

The bottom line is to go with what you’ve got, with an eye to what they need. Look carefully and understand what might be applicable to the practices and jobs you are targeting. Find examples that demonstrate how your skills, accomplishments, and personal qualities are relevant to the role you’re applying for.


A strong demonstration of transferable core skills (such as team management, or problem-solving) is often what an employer is actually looking for, even if they headline with the specific experience. Simply listing projects by type isn’t going to help them see how you can transfer your skills to a new sector.

Though it can seem daunting after multiple knock-backs, you need to show the drive, focus, and commitment to conduct a successful job search and a positive attitude, so that you know from the start that you are going to succeed.

If it is a big leap from your existing experience, consider every opportunity to develop your experience and consider temporary and part-time work. You could even offer your skills to local groups, charities, and businesses, or set up projects yourself to gain experience that might seem more relevant.

AJ Coach Matthew Turner is an architect and careers consultant who runs the Building on Architecture consultancy. Email him in confidence at

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